Using ChatGPT library for grammar checker API
In this article, we’ll show you a way for using my new ChatGPT library for a grammar checker API with ASP.NET Core step-by-step
All technologies, only pure source code
In this article, we’ll show you a way for using my new ChatGPT library for a grammar checker API with ASP.NET Core step-by-step
I create a Stripe webhooks receiver for ASP.NET Core and Blazor. This is the first post of 4 where I show the full implementation.
In this new post, I explain how to validate a JSON result with Postman from your APIs using JavaScript with few lines of code. Full code here
This post is about implementing handling file uploads in OpenAPI with ASP.NET Core. Open API is one way to document REST API endpoints.
From now on, we can create minimal APIs in NET6 that allows us to write in few lines of code powerful APIs. I collect all my understanding
Uploading files in ASP.NET Core is largely the same as standard full framework MVC but now we can stream large files. Here I explain how
In this new post, I show you how to upload/download files using HttpClient in C# and .NET Core. Creating a…
In this new post, I like to show how handling exceptions globally with .NET6 adding a single class using a generic exception middleware
I’m going to explain how to create a LogicApp to use CosmosDB in Azure based on a common scenario. I’ll show other solution in the next posts
Today, we are going to learn how to create a secure connection in Blazor using HttpClient with authentication to gain…
I’m going to explain how to secure a Blazor WebAssemble application with IdentityServer4. Also, how to secure API calls
API Management creates consistent and modern API gateways for existing back-end. How to use an Azure API Management Service in a real world?
A versioning allows clients to continue using the existing REST API and migrate their applications to the newer API when they are ready.
Adding Swagger to your Web API project does not replace ASP.NET Web API help pages. Or maybe yes? Here how to implement Swagger in your apps