Track events for Google Analytics and Piwik

After my post of yesterday, I’ve worked for creating a script to integrate Google Analytics (new version with analytics.js) and Piwik (Piwik is the leading open-source analytics platform similar to Google Analytics. You can download it from its site or directly in your IIS with WebMatrix).

With this code you have only one function to call in every part of your page. Automatically the function detects download, email, phone number, external links and tracks them. You can insert in an anchor a code like:

<a href="" 
   onclick="TrackEvent('Link to my site', 'PSC', 
            'Click from the user', 'Url or something else');">
   Visit PureSourceCode

You find the code for that here:

// Piwik
var _paq = _paq || [];
_paq.push(["setDocumentTitle", document.domain + "/" + document.title]);
_paq.push(["setCookieDomain", "*"]);
_paq.push(["setDomains", ["*"]]);
(function () {
    var u = "//";
    _paq.push(['setTrackerUrl', u + 'piwik.php']);
    _paq.push(['setSiteId', 28]);
    var d = document, g = d.createElement('script'), s = d.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
    g.type = 'text/javascript'; g.async = true; g.defer = true; g.src = u + 'piwik.js'; s.parentNode.insertBefore(g, s);

// Google analytics
(function (i, s, o, g, r, a, m) {
    i['GoogleAnalyticsObject'] = r; i[r] = i[r] || function () {
        (i[r].q = i[r].q || []).push(arguments)
    }, i[r].l = 1 * new Date(); a = s.createElement(o),
    m = s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0]; a.async = 1; a.src = g; m.parentNode.insertBefore(a, m)
})(window, document, 'script', '//', 'ga');

ga('create', 'UA-XXXXXXXX-1', 'auto');
ga('send', 'pageview');

if (typeof jQuery != 'undefined') {
    jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
        var filetypes = /\.(zip|exe|dmg|pdf|doc.*|xls.*|ppt.*|mp3|txt|rar|wma|mov|avi|wmv|flv|wav)$/i;
        var baseHref = '';
        if (jQuery('base').attr('href') != undefined) baseHref = jQuery('base').attr('href');

        jQuery('a').on('click', function (event) {
            var el = jQuery(this);
            var track = true;
            var href = (typeof (el.attr('href')) != 'undefined') ? el.attr('href') : "";
            var isThisDomain = href.match(document.domain.split('.').reverse()[1] + '.' + document.domain.split('.').reverse()[0]);
            if (!href.match(/^javascript:/i)) {
                var elEv = []; elEv.value = 0, elEv.non_i = false;
                if (href.match(/^mailto\:/i)) {
                    elEv.category = "email";
                    elEv.action = "click";
                    elEv.label = href.replace(/^mailto\:/i, '');
                    elEv.loc = href;
                else if (href.match(filetypes)) {
                    var extension = (/[.]/.exec(href)) ? /[^.]+$/.exec(href) : undefined;
                    elEv.category = "download";
                    elEv.action = "click-" + extension[0];
                    elEv.label = href.replace(/ /g, "-");
                    elEv.loc = baseHref + href;
                else if (href.match(/^https?\:/i) && !isThisDomain) {
                    elEv.category = "external";
                    elEv.action = "click";
                    elEv.label = href.replace(/^https?\:\/\//i, '');
                    elEv.non_i = true;
                    elEv.loc = href;
                else if (href.match(/^tel\:/i)) {
                    elEv.category = "telephone";
                    elEv.action = "click";
                    elEv.label = href.replace(/^tel\:/i, '');
                    elEv.loc = href;
                else if (href.match(/^call\:/i)) {
                    elEv.category = "telephone";
                    elEv.action = "click";
                    elEv.label = href.replace(/^call\:/i, '');
                    elEv.loc = href;
                else track = false;

                if (track) {
                    TrackEvent(elEv.category.toLowerCase(), elEv.action.toLowerCase(), elEv.label.toLowerCase(), elEv.value);
                    if (el.attr('target') == undefined || el.attr('target').toLowerCase() != '_blank') {
                        setTimeout(function () { location.href = elEv.loc; }, 400);
                        return false;

/* Tracking events */
function TrackEvent(category, action, label, value) {
    // add to Google Analytics
    ga('send', 'event', category, action, label, value);
    // add to Westhill Analtics
    _paq.push(['trackEvent', category, action, label, value]);

In attach the code trackingGenerator.js (4KB)

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