First download and install Google API from here:
Add a reference to “Google Data API Core Library”,
and use the following function:
public static bool AddPost(string title, string bodyHTML, string[] labels)
Service service = new Service(“blogger”, “<program name>”);
service.Credentials = new GDataCredentials(“<username>”, “<password>”);
AtomEntry newPost = new AtomEntry();
newPost.Title.Text = title;
newPost.Content = new AtomContent();
newPost.Content.Content = bodyHTML;
newPost.Content.Type = “html”;
foreach (string label in labels)
AtomCategory cat = new AtomCategory();
cat.Scheme = new Uri(“”);
cat.Term = label;
AtomEntry response = null;
response = service.Insert(new Uri(“<uri>”), newPost);
catch (GDataRequestException exception)
if (exception.ResponseString == “Blog has exceeded rate limit or otherwise requires word verification for new posts”)
return false;
throw exception;
if (response == null)
throw new Exception(“Something went wrong”);
return true;
Note what you need to replace:
- <program name>
- <username>
- <password>
- <uri>
Also note the marked yellow line. It took me some nasty googling time to find it. You must put it for the labels to work.