Usually you can use WebClient to download a page from web but no always it’s a good way, sometimes the page encode is different. With this code you can download without problems!
#region ” Download page “
public static string PageDownload(string url)
HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
using (HttpWebResponse resp = (HttpWebResponse)req.GetResponse())
byte[] buffer;
using (Stream s = resp.GetResponseStream())
buffer = ReadStream(s);
string pageEncoding = “”;
Encoding e = Encoding.UTF8;
if (resp.ContentEncoding != “”)
pageEncoding = resp.ContentEncoding;
else if (resp.CharacterSet != “”)
pageEncoding = resp.CharacterSet;
else if (resp.ContentType != “”)
pageEncoding = GetCharacterSet(resp.ContentType);
if (pageEncoding == “”)
pageEncoding = GetCharacterSet(buffer);
if (pageEncoding != “”)
e = Encoding.GetEncoding(pageEncoding);
MessageBox.Show(“Invalid encoding: ” + pageEncoding);
string data = e.GetString(buffer);
string Status = “”;
return data;
private static string GetCharacterSet(string s)
s = s.ToUpper();
int start = s.LastIndexOf(“CHARSET”);
if (start == -1)
return “”;
start = s.IndexOf(“=”, start);
if (start == -1)
return “”;
s = s.Substring(start).Trim();
int end = s.Length;
int i = s.IndexOf(“;”);
if (i != -1)
end = i;
i = s.IndexOf(“\””);
if (i != -1 && i < end)
end = i;
i = s.IndexOf(“‘”);
if (i != -1 && i < end)
end = i;
i = s.IndexOf(“/”);
if (i != -1 && i < end)
end = i;
return s.Substring(0, end).Trim();
private static string GetCharacterSet(byte[] data)
string s = Encoding.Default.GetString(data);
return GetCharacterSet(s);
private static byte[] ReadStream(Stream s)
long CurLength;
byte[] buffer = new byte[8096];
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
while (true)
int read = s.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
if (read <= 0)
CurLength = 0;
return ms.ToArray();
ms.Write(buffer, 0, read);
CurLength = ms.Length;
catch (Exception ex)
return null;