I needed to read my SMTP email settings defined under system.net section in my web.config file. In order to use eNewsLetter and other SiteAdmin CMS modules that sending email notifications; you can setup your web.config to defind SMTP services settings.
Below is one example of SMTP email setting defined in web.config file:
(Under <configuration> Section)
<smtp deliveryMethod=”Network” from=”testuser@domail.com”>
<network defaultCredentials=”true” host=”localhost” port=”25″ userName=”kaushal” password=”testPassword”/>
To Access, this SMTP Mail Setting Programatically, you need to import below namespaces:
using System.Configuration;
using System.Web.Configuration;
using System.Net.Configuration;
The .NET Framework provides APIs for accessing settings in a configuration file. Below is how you access the SMTP mail settings of a web.config file in code:
Configuration config = WebConfigurationManager.OpenWebConfiguration(HttpContext.Current.Request.ApplicationPath);
MailSettingsSectionGroup settings = (MailSettingsSectionGroup)config.GetSectionGroup(“system.net/mailSettings”);
Response.Write(“host: ” + settings.Smtp.Network.Host + “<br />”);
Response.Write(“port: ” + settings.Smtp.Network.Port + “<br />”);
Response.Write(“Username: ” + settings.Smtp.Network.UserName + “<br />”);
Response.Write(“Password: ” + settings.Smtp.Network.Password + “<br />”);
Response.Write(“from: ” + settings.Smtp.From + “<br />”);
Thats it!