Adding an external Microsoft login to IdentityServer4

Microsoft Authenticator Identity

This article shows how to implement a Microsoft Account as an external provider in an IdentityServer4 project using ASP.NET Core Identity with a SQLite database.

Setting up the App Platform for the Microsoft Account

To setup the app, login using your Microsoft account and open the My Applications link


Click the Add an app button. Give the application a name and add your email. This app is called microsoft_id4_enrico.


After you clicked the create button, you need to generate a new password. Save this somewhere for the application configuration. This will be the client secret when configuring the application.


Now Add a new platform. Choose a Web type.


Now add the redirect URL for you application. This will be the https://YOUR_URL/signin-microsoft


Add the Permissions as required



pplication configuration

Note: The samples are at present not updated to ASP.NET Core 2.0

Clone the IdentityServer4 samples and use the 6_AspNetIdentity project from the quickstarts.
Add the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.MicrosoftAccount package using Nuget as well as the ASP.NET Core Identity and EFCore packages required to the IdentityServer4 server project.

The application uses SQLite with Identity. This is configured in the Startup class in the ConfigureServices method.

services.AddDbContext<ApplicationDbContext>(options =>
services.AddIdentity<ApplicationUser, IdentityRole>()

Now the AddMicrosoftAccount extension method can be use to add the Microsoft Account external provider middleware in the Configure method in the Startup class. The SignInScheme is set to “Identity.External” because the application is using ASP.NET Core Identity. The ClientId is the Id from the app ‘microsoft_id4_damienbod’ which was configured on the my applications website. The ClientSecret is the generated password.

     .AddMicrosoftAccount(options => {
          options.ClientId = _clientId;
          options.SignInScheme = "Identity.External";
          options.ClientSecret = _clientSecret;

And the Configure method also needs to be configured correctly.

If you receive an error like “unauthorize_access”, remember that RedirectUri is required in IdentityServer configuration and clients.

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